This will be removed from future releases after 2025-06-23.
Replace with
Please use `MapMatchedLocationProviderFactory.create` method to create instance of `LocationProvider` instead
Location provider that provides map matched locations generated by TomTomNavigation. Clients should call addOnLocationUpdateListener to register for location updates. If usePredictions will be set to true it will provide matched locations from the MapMatchingResult.locationPredictions otherwise the MapMatchingResult.matchedLocation will be used. Locations that comes from predictions are generated more often and attempt to provide closer approximation of user's location. Location updates from predictions will be executed before given GeoLocation.time to let client e.g. execute animation beforehand.
Constructs a MapMatchedLocationProvider for given TomTomNavigation.
Adds an OnLocationUpdateListener which informs about new GeoLocation each time a location change occurs.
Closes the object and removes all registered listeners. After closing, any function call to this object will throw an IllegalStateException.
Removes previously registered OnLocationUpdateListener.