Package-level declarations
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interface BetterRouteClickedListener
Used to inform caller that a better Route has been clicked.
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class BetterRouteMarkerStyle( val pinImage: Image = ImageFactory.fromResource(DEFAULT_PIN_IMAGE), @ColorInt val textColor: Int = DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR, val textSize: Double = DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, val fontUri: Uri = DEFAULT_FONT_URI, val textAnchoring: TextAnchoring = DEFAULT_TEXT_ANCHORING, val textOffset: PointF = DEFAULT_TEXT_OFFSET)
Represents the style used to display the better route marker.
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class BetterRouteStyle( val lineWidth: List<WidthByZoom> = DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH, val outlineWidth: List<WidthByZoom> = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_WIDTH, @ColorInt val lineColor: Int = DEFAULT_LINE_COLOR, val markerStyle: BetterRouteMarkerStyle = BetterRouteMarkerStyle(), val isMarkerVisible: Boolean = DEFAULT_MARKER_VISIBILITY)
Represents the style used to display the better route.
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Represents better route proposal specific API used to manage its capabilities.