
public protocol TomTomNavigation : AnyObject

The TomTomNavigation protocol serves as the primary interface for controlling the navigation process. It provides a comprehensive set of functionalities for managing and customizing a navigation session.

To manage the lifecycle of a navigation session, the protocol offers methods to start() and stop() navigation. It also provides functionality to set and select active routes.

The protocol also includes a range of observers that allow developers to receive updates on various aspects of the navigation.

In addition to the observers, the interface enables customization of the navigation experience. Note that by changing these properties in runtime, the navigation initialization configuration is overridden. Users can configure the betterProposalAcceptanceMode, which determines how to handle better route proposals. Users can also choose the deviationReplanningMode, which defines whether the navigation automatically replans the route. The unitSystem and preferredLanguage can be customized to provide guidance instructions and announcements in the desired format and language.


The current implementation of this API isn’t thread-safe and it’s recommended to make API calls always on the same thread.