Engine responsible for detecting arrival at the destination.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol ArrivalDetectionEngine : ManageableEngine
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public struct DestinationArrivalStatus
Defines the states that a waypoint can assume during navigation.
See moreDeclaration
public enum WaypointState
Represents the status of a waypoint in a route.
See moreDeclaration
public struct WaypointStatus
The DataSourceSelectionEngine provides an interface for the map data source.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol DataSourceSelectionEngine : ManageableEngine
Represents different guidance announcement types, which are used to prepare the driver for the maneuver. It is used while creating a
See moreTomTomSDKNavigationEngines/GuidanceAnnouncement
to specify the type of the announcement.Declaration
public enum AnnouncementType : Int
Guidance announcement relating to a maneuver during navigation. The announcement text message is provided in both Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) and plain-text formats.
See moreDeclaration
public struct GuidanceAnnouncement : Equatable
extension SSMLParser: XMLParserDelegate
extension TaggedMessagesParser: XMLParserDelegate
Specifies the verbosity of guidance announcements. More verbose levels will result in more announcements, with more details.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum AnnouncementMode : CaseIterable
Responsible for generation of
related to upcoming road maneuvers.Important
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol GuidanceEngine : ManageableEngine
Guidance update provided while navigating a route, including the list of upcoming instructions, guidance announcement and distance to the next maneuver.
See moreDeclaration
public struct Guidance
Guidance Instruction indicating arrival at the destination.
See moreDeclaration
public struct ArrivalGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Indicates a border crossing between two countries.
See moreDeclaration
public struct BorderCrossing
Instruction indicating an upcoming border crossing.
See moreDeclaration
public struct BorderCrossingGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating departure from the origin.
See moreDeclaration
public struct DepartureGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating entering a vehicle transportation service through a terminal.
See moreDeclaration
public struct EnterAutoTransportGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating entering a carpool lane by changing lanes.
See moreDeclaration
public struct EnterCarpoolLaneGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating exiting a vehicle transportation service through a terminal.
See moreDeclaration
public struct ExitAutoTransportGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating exiting a carpool lane by changing lanes.
See moreDeclaration
public struct ExitCarpoolLaneGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating taking a highway exit.
See moreDeclaration
public struct ExitHighwayGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating an exit from a roundabout.
See moreDeclaration
public struct ExitRoundaboutGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Exceptions that can be thrown during creation of
See moreExitRoundaboutGuidanceInstruction
public enum ExitRoundaboutGuidanceInstructionError : Error
Guidance Instruction indicating that the current road should be followed for some distance.
See moreDeclaration
public struct FollowGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating an upcoming fork in the road.
See moreDeclaration
public struct ForkGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Protocol for a Guidance Instruction, which provides information to the user about the next action to take on the route.
Contains a set of attributes common to all
s. e.g., ‘Turn right’, ‘Keep left’, ‘Take the ferry’, ‘Take the motorway’, ‘Arrive’.Different types of
‘s will implement this, and may add extra attributes specific to theTomTomSDKRoute/Instruction
: Implements theGuidanceInstruction
protocol and additionally containsTomTomSDKRoute/Instruction/turnAngle
, which is the angle where the turn should be made, andTomTomSDKRoute/Instruction/turnDirection
, which is the direction of the turn (left/right).TurnInstruction
: Implements theInstruction
protocol and additionally containsTomTomSDKRoute/Instruction/turnAngle
, which is the angle where the turn should be made, andTomTomSDKRoute/Instruction/turnDirection
, which is the direction of the turn (left/right).
public protocol GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating a turn which is legally required.
See moreDeclaration
public struct MandatoryTurnGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Exceptions that can be thrown during creation of
See moreMandatoryTurnGuidanceInstruction
public enum MandatoryTurnGuidanceInstructionError : Error
Guidance Instruction indicating a merge onto another road.
See moreDeclaration
public struct MergeGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Road information relating to a
See moreGuidanceInstruction
public struct Road : Equatable
Guidance Instruction indicating an upcoming roundabout.
See moreDeclaration
public struct RoundaboutGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Exceptions that can be thrown during creation of
See moreRoundaboutGuidanceInstruction
public enum RoundaboutGuidanceInstructionError : Error
Contains information about the signpost for the
See moreGuidanceInstruction
public struct Signpost : Equatable
Guidance Instruction indicating changing highways by following an exit ramp.
See moreDeclaration
public struct SwitchHighwayGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance instruction indicating the driver is approaching a tollgate or ETC terminal.
See moreDeclaration
public struct TollgateGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating the driver should turn around when it is possible.
See moreDeclaration
public struct TurnAroundWhenPossibleGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Guidance Instruction indicating a turn at a road junction.
See moreDeclaration
public struct TurnGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Exceptions that can be thrown during creation of
See moreTurnGuidanceInstruction
public enum TurnGuidanceInstructionError : Error
Guidance Instruction indicating that a waypoint on the route is reached.
See moreDeclaration
public struct WaypointGuidanceInstruction : GuidanceInstruction
Represents instruction triggering phase.
See moreDeclaration
public enum InstructionPhase
Contains information about lane guidance.
See moreDeclaration
public struct LaneGuidance
Type of
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum LaneGuidanceUpdateType
Holds information about
and whether it is starting or ending.Important
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public struct LaneGuidanceUpdate
Location context contains detailed information about the current location during navigating.
To retrieve location context:
- implement the
protocol - add the observer using the
method of the initializedTomTomNavigation
object After navigation has started (with or without a route), you will receiveLocationContext
via theNavigationLocationContextObserver.didDetectLocationContext(locationContext:)
method. “`
class NavigationLocationContextObserverImpl : NavigationLocationContextObserver { override func didDetectLocationContext(locationContext: LocationContext) {} }
private let navigationLocationContextObserver = NavigationLocationContextObserverImpl() … tomTomNavigation.addLocationContextObserver(navigationLocationContextObserver)
See moreDeclaration
public struct LocationContext : Equatable
- implement the
protocol provides functionality related to engine data management.Important
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol ManageableEngine
Interface to a Map Matcher Engine.
Map Matcher is a component that tries to match position input (includes GNSS data, existing
) to a point on a map. The output of theMapMatchingEngine
is aMapMatchingResult
that contains an accurate (matched) location along with additional information such as alternative and predicted locations (GeoLocation
). Depending on the availability of geolocation input data, Map Matcher works in two modes:- When available - retrieving a map-matched location based on the input data.
- When not available - extrapolating the location based on the last known location. It is used when there is no GNSS data available, for instance, when the device is in a tunnel. If there is no last known location, extrapolation is not possible, and the map-matching result is null.
The Navigation SDK provides factories to create map matcher engines. One of them is the
which creates a map matcher engine. This factory creates an engine that attempts to match the position input to the navigation tile data (provided by an online map). To do so, it uses a map-based tile data store (NavigationTileStore
). A client application must specify the data store when creating the engine.To create a
an API key is required. With the key you configure the store by setting up theNavigationTileStoreConfiguration
:let navigationTileStoreConfiguration = NavigationTileStoreConfiguration(apiKey: NAVIGATION_API_KEY) let navigationTileStore = try NavigationTileStore(config: navigationTileStoreConfiguration)
To create a map-matching engine, use the
class:let mapMatcherEngine = try TileStoreMapMatchingEngineFactory.create(tileStore: navigationTileStore)
To match the location to a position on a map, use the [matchLocation] function:
let mapMatchingResult = try mapMatcherEngine.matchLocation(navigationSnapshot: navigationSnapshot)
To extrapolate the location, use the [extrapolateLocation] function:
let mapMatchingResult = try mapMatcherEngine.extrapolateLocation(navigationSnapshot: navigationSnapshot)
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol MapMatchingEngine : ManageableEngine
Output of the
See moreMapMatchingEngine
that represents accurate (map matched) location. This is used in driving mode to snap the chevron shown on the map to the road network.MapMatchingEngine
provides an individualMapMatchingResult
for eachTomTomSDKLocationProvider/GeoLocation
public struct MapMatchingResult
Snapshot of the current navigation configuration.
See moreDeclaration
public struct ConfigurationSnapshot
Snapshot of the current location information during navigation.
See moreDeclaration
public struct LocationSnapshot
Navigation snapshot containing information about the state of the trip at a certain moment.
Because it provides other engines with input data, the navigation snapshot always contains current information about the navigation session, such as current location, matched location, and progress along a route. It is updated whenever new values are available.
See moreDeclaration
public struct NavigationSnapshot
Snapshot of the route.
See moreDeclaration
public struct RouteSnapshot
Represents the currently followed and unfollowed routes in the current navigation session.
See moreDeclaration
public struct RouteTrackingState
Represents the routes that are not currently followed (unfollowed) within the
See moreTomTomSDKNavigation/NavigationSession
. An unfollowed route comprises aTomTomSDKRoute/Route
within theTomTomSDKNavigation/NavigationSession
that is not currently followed and a back-to-route point. This is the closest point on the route to the current location.Declaration
public struct UnfollowedRoute
Snapshot that contains information about the trip.
See moreDeclaration
public struct TripSnapshot
Defines the error cases that can occur while calculating the current distance along a route.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum DistanceAlongRouteCalculatorError : Error
Defines the error cases that can occur while fetching route segments.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum SegmentsFilterError : Error
Represents progress along the route.
See moreDeclaration
public struct RouteProgress
Defines the error cases that can occur in the
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum RouteProgressCalculationError : Error
The RouteProgressEngine protocol provides functionality related to the calculation of progress along the route.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol RouteProgressEngine : ManageableEngine
Represents current progress along the route till given
See moreTomTomSDKRoute/RouteStop
public struct RouteStopProgress
stores the active route and an optional better route proposal.Important
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public struct ActiveRouteData
NavigationProcessingError contains information about any problems that occur during
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum NavigationProcessingError : Error
Route plan defines parameters required for a single route in navigation session.
To specify a route plan, first plan a
.For more information on navigation session see
See morestart()
public struct RoutePlan
Selector responsible for choosing the routes according to protocol’s adoptee expectations
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol RouteProposalSelector
Engine responsible for replanning a route.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol RouteReplanningEngine
Specifies how to handle better route proposals.
See moreDeclaration
public enum BetterProposalAcceptanceMode
Specifies how to handle deviation route replanning.
See moreDeclaration
public enum DeviationReplanningMode
Describes the reason for the replanning request.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum ReplanRequestReason
Describes why the route has been replanned and how it is different from the previous route.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum RouteReplanningReason
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public typealias RouteReplanningResult = Result<(routes: [Route], reason: RouteReplanningReason), Error>
Specifies whether or not the system should try to periodically update the active route and look for better route proposals.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum RouteUpdateMode
Responsible for detecting whether the
s are being followed or deviated from.Important
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol RouteTrackingEngine : ManageableEngine
that contains data about a city.To receive such elements in the horizon snapshot
, specifyHorizonElementType
.cityType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
See morelet horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.cityType], ... )
public struct CityElement : HorizonElement
that contains data about a country.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.countryInformationType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
See morelet horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.countryInformationType], ... )
public struct CountryInformationElement : HorizonElement
See moreSpeedLimit
that is specific to a region in a country.Declaration
public struct RegionalSpeedLimit : Equatable
that contains data about a dangerous goods restriction.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.dangerousGoodsRestrictionType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
See morelet horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.dangerousGoodsRestrictionType], ... )
public struct DangerousGoodsRestrictionElement : HorizonElement
that contains data about general road properties.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.generalRoadPropertiesType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
See morelet horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.cityType], ... )
public struct GeneralRoadPropertiesElement : HorizonElement
that contains data about a hazard.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.hazardType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
:let horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.hazardType], ... )
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public struct HazardElement : HorizonElement
Defines the interface to horizon elements.
See moreDeclaration
public protocol HorizonElement
Describes path geometry of the
.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.pathGeometryType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
See morelet horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.pathGeometryType], ... )
public struct PathGeometryElement : HorizonElement
that contains data about a safety location.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.safetyLocationType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
See morelet horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.safetyLocationType], ... )
public struct SafetyLocationElement : HorizonElement
that contains data about a speed limit.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.speedLimitType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
:let horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.speedLimitType], ... )
speed limits are affected mostly byTomTomSDKCommon.VehicleType
, but apart from the vehicle type, some other vehicle characteristics might be considered, such as weight, type of load, and many others.Declaration
public struct SpeedLimitElement : HorizonElement, Equatable
that contains data about a street.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.streetType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
See morelet horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.streetType], ... )
public struct StreetElement : HorizonElement
that contains data about a traffic sign.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.trafficSignType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
:let horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.trafficSignType], ... )
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public struct TrafficSignElement : HorizonElement
that contains data about a vehicle restriction.To receive such elements in the
, specifyHorizonElementType
.vehicleRestrictionType in theHorizonOptions
that you register with theHorizonEngine
See morelet horizonOptions = HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.vehicleRestrictionType], ... )
public struct VehicleRestrictionElement : HorizonElement
Policy that defines a search distance for the main path.
The main path is the path the user currently follows, extending along the most likely trajectory. If the horizon options specify this policy, the
only searches within an explicitly specified distance when extending the main path.For more information on horizon paths see
.For more information on horizon options see
.To search along the entire route use the
See moreRouteLengthPolicy
public struct ExplicitDistancePolicy : PathSearchDistancePolicy
Interface to a Virtual Horizon engine.
Virtual Horizon is a digital assistant that provides location context data extending beyond the driver’s visible horizon. UI components can use it to inform the driver of what is ahead. Examples of such data include speed limits, street data, traffic sign information, and more. The purpose of the engine is to generate this Virtual Horizon data, which we can refer to simply as horizon.
To generate the horizon, the engine uses a context-dependent simplification of the road network based on the digital map. Central to this approach is a path model: the road network is represented as a graph where edges correspond to roads and vertices to intersections where these roads connect. The edges and vertices combine to form trajectories over the road network. The path model identifies which of these trajectories the user may follow in the near future. We refer to these possible trajectories as paths. The horizon consists of the physically reachable paths within a pre-configured distance ahead of the user’s current position.
The set of
s includes a so-called main path and, possibly, one or more so-called sub-paths. The main path is the path that the user currently follows, extending along the most likely trajectory. In turn-by-turn navigation mode, the most likely trajectory corresponds to the planned route. In free-driving mode, it is the Virtual Horizon path model that determines the most likely trajectory. A sub-path is any horizon path that is not the main path.Horizon paths have path levels. The level of the main path is 0. The level of a sub-path is the number of times the user would have to deviate, starting from the main path, in order to reach that sub-path. If a user can physically deviate from a path to follow another path (regardless of whether this is a legal maneuver), the former is the parent path of the latter. A path can have either no parents or a single parent. Children of the main path are level 1 paths, their children are level 2 sub-paths, and so on. When the user deviates to one of the level 1 sub-paths, that path becomes the new main path, with its level updated to 0. The levels of the children of the new main path are also adjusted accordingly (decreased by 1).
The engine publishes data along these horizon paths in the form of
of variousHorizonElementType
, for exampleSpeedLimitElement
, and so on. The elements are attached to paths at specific offsets (point-wise attachments) or specific offset ranges (span attachments). Regardless of type, every element encapsulates the following information:- An element identifier.
- An identifier of the path to which the element belongs.
- A start offset: distance from the path start where the element starts.
- An end offset: distance from the path start where the element ends.
In addition to these properties that all element types have in common, each element type has its own set of specific properties. For example, a
also includes the name of the city.The engine generates horizon data based on previously registered
. The options define the length of the horizon paths and what type of horizon data is collected for these paths.A client application register multiple sets of horizon options and request the engine to provide data for all or only some of the registered option sets. The engine generates a separate
for each set of options in the request. The client can also update horizon configuration by registering a new set of options or unregistering a previously registered set.The
generated for a specific set of options comprises:- The set of
. - A
of the horizon generated for these options. - The current
along the horizon.
encapsulates data about the likeliest map-matched position on the horizon. The position is either on-road or off-road.The
consists of:- A list of
decorated with horizon elements of theHorizonElementType
requested via the horizon options. - Data related to the state of the snapshot, which can be used to determine if the snapshot was updated since the
previous call to
. - An identifier of the main
(or null if there is no on-road map-matched position).
The Navigation SDK provides class
to create a default horizon engine. This default engine can retrieve certain horizon elements, for example speed limits, directly from the map. To do so, it uses a map-based data store. However, for other horizon elements, for example safety locations, retrieving data requires a dedicated data source. The default engine uses so-calledHorizonDataAdapter
to collect data for such elements. Each adapter works with a specific element/data type. A client application must specify the data store as well as the horizon data adapters (if applicable) when creating the default horizon engine. The list of data adapters should be empty if the client application does not need to collect data for any horizon elements that require data sources.To create a default horizon engine, use the
class:let horizonEngine = TileStoreHorizonEngineFactory.create(dataStore: dataStore, dataAdapters: dataAdapters)
To register a set of horizon options, call the
function:horizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions(options: horizonOptions1) horizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions(options: horizonOptions2)
To unregister a set of horizon options, call the
function:horizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions(options: horizonOptions1) horizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions(options: horizonOptions2) ... horizonEngine.unregisterHorizonOptions(options: horizonOptions2)
To generate horizon results for specific sets of options, call the
function:horizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions(options: horizonOptions1) horizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions(options: horizonOptions2) horizonEngine.registerHorizonOptions(options: horizonOptions3) ... let horizonResults = generateHorizon( options: [horizonOptions1, horizonOptions3], navigationSnapshot: navigationSnapshot ) result.forEach { result in let options = result.horizonOptions let snapshot = result.snapshot let position = result.position ... }
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public protocol HorizonEngine
Possible errors thrown in the by Horizon Engine methods.
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public enum HorizonEngineError : Error, Equatable
Output of the
.Entry of horizon result is consisted of one
and set of previously registeredHorizonOptions
holds current snapshot of horizon which includes available paths, status of the horizon snapshot and ID of the main path. Horizon result additionally containsHorizonOptions
provided by user andHorizonPosition
representing current position. BothHorizonOptions
determine contents of theHorizonSnapshot
.Horizon results can be obtained by creating instance of
, registering desiredHorizonOptions
with callHorizonEngine
and making direct request to generate horizonHorizonEngine
and currentNavigationSnapshot
This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.Declaration
public struct HorizonResult
Horizon configuration options.
Horizon options define the extent of the
in the horizon and the map attributes to be collected for these paths. A set of horizon options consists of the following:- The set of
the client is interested in. - The path search options for the main path.
- The path search options for sub-paths.
- The maximum number of paths the client can receive.
- Minimum length of the horizon ahead for which a horizon snapshot update is triggered.
To specify horizon options, create an instance of this class:
let mainPathSearchOptions = try MainPathSearchOptions( searchTime: .tt.minutes(10), searchDistancePolicy: ExplicitDistancePolicy( searchDistance: PathSearchDistance( maxHorizonLength: .tt.kilometers(5) ) ) ) let subPathSearchOptionsLevel1 = try SubPathSearchOptions( searchTime: .tt.minutes(5), searchDistance: PathSearchDistance( maxHorizonLength: .tt.kilometers(2) ) ) let subPathSearchOptionsLevel2 = try SubPathSearchOptions( searchTime: .tt.minutes(3), searchDistance: PathSearchDistance( maxHorizonLength: .tt.kilometers(1) ) ) let horizonOptions = try HorizonOptions( id: UUID(), elementTypes: [.speedLimitsType, .streetType], mainPathSearchOptions: mainPathSearchOptions, subPathSearchOptions: [subPathSearchOptionsLevel1, subPathSearchOptionsLevel2], numberOfPaths: 4 )
For more information on horizon element types and horizon paths see
.A client application can register multiple sets of horizon options and request the engine to provide data for all or only some of the registered option sets. The engine generates a separate
for each set of options in the request. The client can also update horizon configuration by registering a new set of options or unregistering a previously registered set.To register a set of horizon options, call the
function.To unregister a set of horizon options, call the
See moreHorizonEngine
public struct HorizonOptions
extension HorizonOptions: Hashable
- The set of
Defines the interface to horizon element types.
See moreDeclaration
public struct HorizonElementType : RawRepresentable, Hashable
Horizon search options for the main path.
These options specify the search distance policy
and the search time for the main path. The main path is the path the user currently follows, extending along the most likely trajectory. The search distance policy and the search time define the extent of the main path.To specify horizon options for the main path, create an instance of this class:
let mainPathSearchOptions = try MainPathSearchOptions( searchTime: .tt.minutes(10), searchDistancePolicy: ExplicitDistancePolicy( searchDistance: PathSearchDistance( maxHorizonLength: .tt.kilometers(5) ) ) )
For more information on horizon paths see
.For more information on horizon options see
determines whether the horizon engine must search along the entire route (seeRouteLengthPolicy
) or within an explicitly specified distance (seeExplicitDistancePolicy
).The main path will be extended until search time and search distance have both reached their limits.
See moreDeclaration
public struct MainPathSearchOptions
Interface to the path search policy.
The path search policy specifies whether the
must search along the entire route (seeRouteLengthPolicy
) or within an explicitly defined distance (seeExplicitDistancePolicy
).For more information on horizon paths see
.For more information on horizon options see
public protocol PathSearchDistancePolicy
Horizon search options for a sub-path level.
These options specify the search distance and the search time for a sub-path level. The level of a sub-path is the number of times the user would have to deviate, starting from the main path, in order to reach that sub-path. The search distance and the search time define the extent of sub-paths of that level in the horizon.
To specify options for a sub-path level, create an instance of this class:
let subPathSearchOptionsLevel1 = try SubPathSearchOptions( searchTime: .tt.minutes(5), searchDistance: PathSearchDistance( maxHorizonLength: .tt.kilometers(2) ) )
For more information on horizon paths see
.For more information on horizon options see
.If both search time and search distance are specified (i.e., the options specify both a search time and a search distance) for a given sub-path level, the
extends horizon sub-paths of that level until both time and distance have reached the limit.If only the search distance is specified for a given sub-path level, the horizon engine works with a default value
for the search time and extends the sub-paths of that level based on the search distance.If only the search time is specified for a given sub-path level, the horizon engine works with a default value of
See moreDefaults/pathSearchDistance
maximum extension length for the search distance and extends sub-paths of that level until both time and distance reach the limit.Declaration
public struct SubPathSearchOptions
Snapshot of the horizon.
Snapshot of the horizon provided by the
for a set of registeredHorizonOptions
. These options define the extent of the pathsHorizonPath
on the horizon and which map attributes are collected for those paths.Horizon snapshot holds state of the horizon for
provided by user and current position. Snapshot contains data such as:- paths: List of horizon paths
, consisting of the main path and zero or more sub-paths. The main path is the path on which the likeliest map-matched on-road position is located. If there is no on-road map-matched position candidate, there is no main path either. This is because no horizon can be provided if there is no on-road map-matched position. SeeHorizonPosition
for more details. A sub-path is any path in the horizon snapshot that is not the main path. For a horizon snapshot to contain sub-paths, the optionsHorizonOptions
for which it was generated must specify sub-path search optionsSubPathSearchOptions
for at least one sub-path level. - state: The horizon snapshot state
- mainPathID: The ID of the main path
. Nil if there is no on-road map-matched position candidate. SeeHorizonPosition
for more details.
public struct HorizonSnapshot
- paths: List of horizon paths
Path in the horizon. The length of the path as well as which types of horizon elements
it contains are determined by the set of horizon optionsHorizonOptions
for which horizon data was generated. For information on how to manage horizon options seeHorizonEngine
.registerHorizonOptions andHorizonEngine
.unregisterHorizonOptions.///For more information on horizon paths see
See moreHorizonEngine
public struct HorizonPath : Equatable
The best map-matched position on the horizon. It can be either on-road or off-road. If off-road, it can be either:
- The likeliest on-road position on the horizon, but flagged as off-road, if the likeliest position is off-road, but there are also on-road candidates. The user can extract horizon elements to facilitate the decision to join the road.
- Or an off-road position with an invalid path ID and an unmatched raw location, if the likeliest position is off-road and there are no on-road candidates on the horizon.
Horizon position can be extracted from the result
See moreHorizonResult
of the callHorizonEngine
with a preregistered set ofHorizonOptions
used as an argument.Declaration
public struct HorizonPosition
State of the
See moreHorizonSnapshot
that theHorizonEngine
generates based on a set of registeredHorizonOptions
public struct HorizonSnapshotState : Equatable
Horizon path search distance configuration.
The search distance defines the extent of the path in the horizon.
For more information on horizon paths see
.For more information on horizon options see
See moreHorizonOptions
public struct PathSearchDistance : Equatable
Policy that binds the horizon path to the entire route.
The main path is the path the user currently follows, extending along the most likely trajectory. If the horizon options specify this policy, the horizon engine
searches along the entire route when extending the main path.For more information on horizon paths see
.For more information on horizon options see
.To search within a specific distance use the
See moreExplicitDistancePolicy
public struct RouteLengthPolicy : PathSearchDistancePolicy