
interface PersonalData

Implementations of PersonalData enable easy access to personal data.

Personal data refers to personal locations (home/work/favorites), recent destinations, personal preferences relevant to search, routing and guidance, and potentially other data needed to create navigation applications that are "connected" to the users digital life. In a later increment vehicle information (spec and state) will be made available as well.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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Adds an update listener to be notified of any changes to any of the data within the user profile.

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abstract fun clearUserProfile()

Clears the user profile from persistent storage.

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abstract fun loadUserProfile(callback: UserProfileCallback)

Loads user profile from persistent storage.

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Removes an update listener for changes to any of the data within the user profile.

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abstract fun storeUserProfile(userProfile: UserProfile, callback: UserProfileCallback)

Stores the user profile with the changes provided.