
interface LifecycleAware

This represents a component that is aware of Android's lifecycle events. Provides callback methods that mirror the lifecycle events of both Activities and Fragments, allowing for a unified approach to handling these events in custom components.



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abstract fun onCreate(bundle: Bundle?)

Callback method which should be called when the parent lifecycle aware component is being created.

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abstract fun onDestroy()

Callback method which should be called when the parent lifecycle aware component is being destroyed.

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abstract fun onPause()

Callback method which should be called when the parent lifecycle aware component enters its paused state.

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abstract fun onResume()

Callback method which should be called when the parent lifecycle aware component enters its resumed state.

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abstract fun onSaveInstanceState(bundle: Bundle)

Callback which should be called when the parent lifecycle aware component saves its instance state. Note the bundle which must be handled explicitly during saving.

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abstract fun onStart()

Callback method which should be called when the parent lifecycle aware component enters its started state.

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abstract fun onStop()

Callback method which should be called when the parent lifecycle aware component enters its stopped state.