
class LocationContext(val speed: Speed, val speedLimit: SpeedLimit? = null, val road: RoadProperties? = null, val address: Address? = null)

Location context data, consisting of detailed information about the current location while navigating.

To retrieve location context, you need to start navigation with or without a route and add a com.tomtom.sdk.navigation.LocationContextUpdatedListener when you initialize the required com.tomtom.sdk.navigation.TomTomNavigation object:

private val locationContextUpdatedListener = object : LocationContextUpdatedListener {
    override fun onLocationContextUpdated(locationContext: LocationContext) {
        // add code here to process location context information


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constructor(speed: Speed, speedLimit: SpeedLimit? = null, road: RoadProperties? = null, address: Address? = null)


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val address: Address? = null

The address at the current location, or null if address data is not available.

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val road: RoadProperties? = null

The properties of the road at the current location, or null if the current location is off-road.

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The current speed at the current location.

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val speedLimit: SpeedLimit? = null

The speed limit at the current location, or null if the current location is off-road or speed limit data is not available.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String