Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.
Adds a GuidanceViewBoundariesChangeListener which is notified when the navigation guidance view boundaries change.
Hides arrival view component.
Hides combined instruction view component.
Hides guidance view component.
Hides route updated view component.
Hides speed view component.
Hides street view component.
Removes the GuidanceViewBoundariesChangeListener.
Sets the description which is shown on arrival view. This could be an address or the name of the current location.
Sets the arrival time.
Sets View.OnClickListener which is notified when the button on arrival view is clicked. It can be used to finish navigation or start the next step.
Sets the audio icon state.
Sets View.OnClickListener which is notified when the audio toggle button is clicked.
Sets a container with guidance view and arrival view gone.
Sets a container with guidance view and arrival view visible.
Sets View.OnClickListener which is notified when the close button is clicked.
Sets the next instruction to be combined with the current one.
Sets the current speed.
Sets View.OnClickListener which is notified when the current speed component is clicked.
Sets the distance to destination.
Sets the distance to the nearest maneuver.
Sets the text that describes the nearest guidance instruction.
Sets the motorway exit.
Sets the maneuver icon.
Sets the road shields.
Sets the current progress of the route.
Sets the background for the speed bubble view and speed shield icon. Circle speed bubble background and icon for metric system, for imperial - rectangle.
Sets the value for the speed limit.
Sets View.OnClickListener which is notified when the speed limit component is clicked.
Sets the text for street view component.
Sets the estimated travel time to the destination.
Shows arrival view component.
Shows combined instruction view component.
Shows guidance view component.
Shows route updated view component.
Shows speed view component.
Shows street view component.