Package-level declarations
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data class Announcement( val id: UniqueId = UniqueId(), val point: GeoPoint, val distance: Distance, val type: String, val verbalMessage: String = "", val verbalMessagePhonetics: Phonetics? = null)
Fine-grained announcement points, each with its own message, location and distance to the instruction point.
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interface Instruction
Represents an instruction for a maneuver along the Route. In order to guide a driver along the route, the navigation system invokes guiding Instructions for every maneuver.
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Represents Instruction GeoPoints together with its distance offset along the route.
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data class Phonetics( val street: String = "", val streetLanguage: Locale = Locale.ENGLISH, val roadNumbers: List<String> = emptyList(), val roadNumbersLanguages: List<Locale> = emptyList(), val signPostText: String = "", val signPostTextLanguage: Locale = Locale.ENGLISH, val phoneticAlphabet: String = "")
Phonetic strings of all of the readable Instruction properties.
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Represents a phonetic string.
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data class Road( val name: TextWithPhonetics?, val numbers: List<TextWithPhonetics>, val shields: List<RoadShield>, val types: Set<RoadType> = emptySet())
Road information at a given point on a Route.
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data class TextWithPhonetics(val plainText: String, val plainTextLanguage: Locale = Locale.ENGLISH, val phoneticString: PhoneticString? = null)
Represents a localized string with optional phonetics information.