Package-level declarations
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data class MapOptions @JvmOverloads constructor( val mapKey: String, val cameraOptions: CameraOptions? = null, val padding: Padding = Padding(), val mapStyle: StyleDescriptor? = null, val styleMode: StyleMode = StyleMode.MAIN, val onlineCachePolicy: OnlineCachePolicy = OnlineCachePolicy.Default, val renderToTexture: Boolean = false) : Parcelable
The MapOptions class configures initial behavior and visual style of the map. It enables setting the default zoom level, the map language, style and more. The MapOptions is used as an argument for MapFragment.newInstance, which instantiates MapFragment object.
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class TomTomMap : RouteController, MapController, MarkerController, CircleController, PolygonController, PolygonOverlayController, PolylineController, CameraController, StyleController, LocationController, CopyrightsController, GesturesController, TrafficController, RenderedFeatureController, VehicleController
The TomTomMap class serves as the foundational gateway for integrating a various map-related features, offering extensive functionality for developer interaction with the Map and customization of its behavior.
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object TomTomMapConfig
Holds global configuration values for instances of TomTomMap.