
class NdsStoreAccessor(    storeAccessChangedListenerId: String,     initialize: () -> Unit = {},     deinitialize: () -> Unit = {},     cancelRequest: () -> Unit = {}) : OnStoreAccessChangedListener

Takes care of access to a DataStore.



The initialization block that is called when read access is granted. Could be called when registered for updates in NdsStoreAccessSync or when access is granted after being released previously.


The block that should care of deinitialization, because old NdsStoreAccess.handleId is not valid anymore.


The block is called when access release is requested and long ongoing operations should be cancelled.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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constructor(storeAccessChangedListenerId: String, initialize: () -> Unit = {}, deinitialize: () -> Unit = {}, cancelRequest: () -> Unit = {})


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A string that can be used to identify the listener.


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open override fun onReadOnlyAccessGranted(mapChanged: Boolean)

Notification that read-only (shared) access to the map files was granted to the user.

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open override fun onReadOnlyAccessReleaseRequested(accessReleased: AccessReleasedCallback)

Notification that read-only access to the map is being revoked (usually because the map needs to be updated or otherwise modified).

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fun <T> use(block: () -> T): Either<MapIsNotAccessibleFailure, T>

Allows performing calls when read access is granted. Returns MapIsNotAccessibleFailure if read access is not granted.