Configuration of updates of the NdsStore.
Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.
Configuration of automatic updates parameters of the NdsStore.
Represents default values for NdsStoreUpdateConfig constructor.
Configuration of automatic updates parameters
: File, The path to the persistent directory for map updates. For some functionality (e.g. recovery from unexpected failures) data may have to be persisted at this location.
The API key used for requests to the map updates server that was specified in updateServerUri. If not specified, the key parameter will not be present in requests.
: Uri, The URI of the server to download updates from. Defaults to the TomTom production update server.
The local path to the update packages directory. The directory provided must be writable. After a successful update of an update region, all update files for that update region are deleted.
Returns a copy of calling NdsStoreUpdateConfig object with possibilities to override every properties.