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Callback that reports when AutocompleteSearchResponse or AutocompleteSearchError is received.

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class AutocompleteSearchError(val message: String = "") : SearchError

Exception thrown when a request to the Autocomplete Search API goes wrong. It contains information about the cause of the failure.

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data class AutocompleteSearchOptions(    val query: String,     val language: String,     val limit: Int? = null,     val position: GeoCoordinate? = null,     val radius: Int? = null,     val countryCodes: Set<String>,     val resultTypes: Set<String>)

Contains the parameters to use in an autocomplete search. Use the AutocompleteSearchOptions.Builder to create a new instance of the object.

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data class AutocompleteSearchResponse(val context: AutocompleteSummary, val results: List<AutocompleteResults> = emptyList())

Response of the Autocomplete Search API.