
data class AlongRouteSearchOptions(val route: List<GeoPoint>, val maxDetourDuration: Duration, val query: String = "", @IntRange(from = 1, to = 20) val limit: Int = 10, val categoryIds: Set<CategoryId> = emptySet(), val brands: Set<Brand> = emptySet(), val fuelTypes: Set<FuelType> = emptySet(), val connectorTypes: Set<ConnectorType> = emptySet(), val minPower: Power? = null, val maxPower: Power? = null, val geoPoliticalView: GeoPoliticalView? = null, val sortBy: SortBy = SortBy.DetourTime, val openingHoursMode: OpeningHoursMode = OpeningHoursMode.NextSevenDays, val sessionId: String = "")

Defines the parameters for the Search Along the Route query.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.

See also

Supported connector types[] for more details.



The route points define the skeleton of the search area.


The maximum detour duration (for a passenger car) limits the search area. The detour duration is the value added to the estimated time of arrival (to the final destination) after a point of interest is added to the route. Search results that add more than this value are filtered out. The maximum accepted value is 3600 seconds. If a value greater than the maximum is provided then the maximum value is used.


The search query.


The maximum number of search results that will be returned.


Restricts the Points Of Interest in the response to those whose category ID is listed.


Brand names are used to restrict the result to POIs associated with those brands.


A set of FuelTypes, used to restrict the results to fuel stations with at least one of the specified fuel types.


Connector types are used to restrict the results to electric vehicle stations that support those connector types.


A power rate, used to restrict the results to electric vehicle stations with at least one connector that has a power greater or equal to that minimum power.


A power rate, used to restrict the results to electric vehicle stations with at least one connector that has a power lesser or equal to that maximum power.


Defines what kind of geopolitical view should be used.


Defines how the results will be sorted.


Scope of the opening hours to be provided.


The ID of a user session during which a user performs multiple search requests to find a specific address or point of interest. This parameter is used for sending anonymous feedback to the online search for the search quality improvement.


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fun AlongRouteSearchOptions(route: List<GeoPoint>, maxDetourDuration: Duration, query: String = "", @IntRange(from = 1, to = 20) limit: Int = 10, categoryIds: Set<CategoryId> = emptySet(), brands: Set<Brand> = emptySet(), fuelTypes: Set<FuelType> = emptySet(), connectorTypes: Set<ConnectorType> = emptySet(), minPower: Power? = null, maxPower: Power? = null, geoPoliticalView: GeoPoliticalView? = null, sortBy: SortBy = SortBy.DetourTime, openingHoursMode: OpeningHoursMode = OpeningHoursMode.NextSevenDays, sessionId: String = "")


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val limit: Int = 10
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val maxPower: Power? = null
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val minPower: Power? = null
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