
data class QuantityIconDrawableResolver(quantity: Int, @AttrRes iconSize: Int, @AttrRes backgroundColor: Int, @AttrRes textAppearance: Int, @AttrRes textColor: Int) : DrawableResolver

A drawable resolver that creates an icon filled with a background color and a quantity value with a density based on context used to resolve the icon.



A quantity in range [0..QUANTITY_MAX_VALUE]; value is clamped to those boundaries otherwise.


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constructor(quantity: Int, @AttrRes iconSize: Int, @AttrRes backgroundColor: Int, @AttrRes textAppearance: Int, @AttrRes textColor: Int)


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object Companion


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open override fun get(context: Context): Drawable

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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fun DrawableResolver.toImageDescriptor(imageType: ImageType = ImageType.DEFAULT): ImageDescriptor

A convenience function to map a DrawableResolver to an ImageDescriptor with the provided imageType.

@JvmName(name = "toImageDescriptorOrNull")
fun DrawableResolver?.toImageDescriptor(imageType: ImageType = ImageType.DEFAULT): ImageDescriptor?

A convenience function to map a nullable DrawableResolver to an ImageDescriptor with the provided imageType.

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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)