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value class ActiveItemIndex(val value: Int)

An inline wrapper class to specify the index of the currently active item.

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Type alias for callback invoked when a MediaContentEntryItemViewModel is clicked.

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class MediaContentEntryItemViewModel(val mediaItem: IviMediaItem, val itemState: IviPlaybackState, val type: ListGroupItem.ItemType, clickAction: ClickAction) : MediaContentItemViewModel

A MediaContentItemViewModel holds the information about an IviMediaItem.

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sealed class MediaContentItemViewModel : ListGroupItem

Base class to hold the information about an IviMediaItem.

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class MediaContentView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet? = null) : RecyclerView

A RecyclerView to display media content specified by MediaContentViewModel using MediaItemAdapter.

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class MediaContentViewModel(mediaItems: LiveData<List<IviMediaItem>>, mediaService: MediaServiceApi, @WorkerThread mediaItemMatcher: MediaItemMatcher, onItemClickAction: ClickAction, isLoading: LiveData<Boolean> = ImmutableLiveData(false), layoutPolicy: LiveData<LayoutPolicy> = ImmutableLiveData(LinearLayoutPolicy()), groupByHeaders: LiveData<Boolean> = ImmutableLiveData(true), dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default)

ViewModel for displaying media items. Provides a list of MediaContentItemViewModel which is updated according to input LiveData parameters.

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A function to determine if the item is matching to the currently active item. This is needed to determine the item's IviPlaybackState.

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class MediaServiceState(val activeMediaItem: IviMediaItem?, val activeQueueIndex: ActiveItemIndex?, val playbackState: IviPlaybackState, val activeSource: SourceInfo?)

Contains some properties of the MediaService used to determine the item's IviPlaybackState.