Package-level declarations

Contains building blocks for building a Frontend.


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typealias AnyIviFragment<P> = IviFragment<P, *>

Convenience type alias that defines an IviFragment for a panel type.

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Convenience type alias that defines an IviFragment.Initializer for a panel type.

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abstract class Frontend(val frontendContext: FrontendContext) : LifecycleOwner

The base class for Frontends in the IVI system.

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abstract class FrontendBuilder

Builder class for Frontends.

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The entry point for a single Frontend to communicate with the rest of the system.

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Describes when the framework should create a Frontend.

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Interface of all frontend extensions.

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data class FrontendMetadata(val id: FrontendMetadataId, val creationPolicy: FrontendCreationPolicy = FrontendCreationPolicy.CREATE_FRONTEND_AFTER_STARTUP, val launchMenuItem: MenuItem? = null, val frontendExtensions: Collection<FrontendExtension> = emptyList(), val intentFilters: List<IntentFilter> = emptyList(), val availablePanelTypes: PanelTypeSet = PLATFORM_PANEL_TYPES, val frontendBuilderFactory: () -> FrontendBuilder)

Encapsulates metadata describing a Frontend.

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An IviBuildConfigExtension containing the FrontendMetadata, generated at build-time.

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data class FrontendMetadataId(val id: String)

A unique FrontendMetadata identifier per IviInstanceId.

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A base class for fragments that contain the contents of frontend panels. Typical IVI fragments are responsible for creating a layout and linking it to a ViewModel. The viewModelClass is responsible for the business logic and the state of a fragment. This is because, unlike fragments, ViewModels are persistent across configuration changes.

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An IviFragment identifier.

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An interface for components that handle hardware back button presses.

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An interface for components that have an IviOnBackPressedCallback, which can handle hardware back button presses.

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An IviOnBackPressedCallback that can dispatch on back presses to other IviOnBackPressedCallbacks. It is disabled by default and enabled when any of added callbacks are enabled. The last added callback that is currently enabled is called to handle the back press.

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Interface for views that need to be notified when the exit animation is started on the panels, which display them.