Package-level declarations

Contains panel container controllers - classes that manage contents of a panel container.


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Convenience type-alias for PanelContainerController<*, *, *, *>.

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Allows extending a PanelContainerElement list with PanelContainerElement.BasicElement elements with BD as basic element data type.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
sealed class PanelContainerElement<SD>

Element of a panel container.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
open class PanelContainerViewModel<CD, VM : PanelSubContainerViewModel<SD>, SD>(val panelContainerData: CD?, val subContainerViewModels: List<VM>)

The view model of a panel container.

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Holds a reference to a panel fragment container.

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A panel fragment container ID.


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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
fun <V : ViewGroup, PanelContainer<*, *>, CD, VM : PanelSubContainerViewModel<SD>, SD> V.createPanelContainerController(panelContainerData: LiveData<CD?>, panelContainerControllerAdapter: PanelContainerControllerAdapter<V, CD?, VM, SD>): PanelContainerController<V, CD?, VM, SD>

Allows any ViewGroup implementation that implements the PanelContainer interface to create a PanelContainerController to visualize the panelContainerData in this ViewGroup container.

Returns a PanelFragmentContainerHolder referencing the first matching FragmentContainerView in this panel sub-container. A FragmentContainerView is considered a match if its view ID matches the stubId.

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Returns a PanelFragmentContainerHolder referencing the first matching FragmentContainerView in this panel sub-container. A FragmentContainerView is considered a match if its view ID matches the stubId. If stubId is null any FragmentContainerView matches.

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@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
fun <VM : PanelSubContainerViewModel<SD>, SD> inflateSubContainerAndBindViewModel(panelContainer: ViewGroup, @LayoutRes subContainerLayoutId: Int?, subContainerViewModel: VM): MutableSubContainerCreation<VM, SD>

Inflates a panel sub-container with a single panel fragment container for panelContainer from a layout based on subContainerLayoutId. If subContainerLayoutId is null then a default FragmentContainerView is returned.