
@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
abstract class MediaTaskPanel(    val mediaFrontendContext: MediaFrontendContext,     val sourceId: SourceId?,     initialMediaItem: IviMediaItem?) : TaskPanel

Base panel type for media-related Frontends.

This type of TaskPanel contains a MediaFrontendContext to hold relevant data for media.

Media task panels may be tied to a certain source, for example to browse its content, or not, such as a generic media settings panel. When a media task panel is made to operate on or with a media source, it will have a non-nullsourceId, and null otherwise.

mutableMediaItem can be used to store additional state by adding Bundle fields to it, since the framework will re-create panels with the same mutableMediaItem; for example, to keep track of the activation state of a feature when closing and reopening the stock media frontend.

Note: The mediaItem is used by the stock media frontend to display navigation breadcrumbs.


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fun MediaTaskPanel(    mediaFrontendContext: MediaFrontendContext,     sourceId: SourceId?,     initialMediaItem: IviMediaItem?)


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val mediaFrontendContext: MediaFrontendContext

Context in which the panel is to be opened. Most decisions should be taken using this state, such as using the panel mapping or the stack to decide which kind of panel to open next.

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val mediaItem: LiveData<IviMediaItem?>

The media item that this panel is showing.

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open val sourceId: SourceId?

Source ID tied to this panel.

Inherited properties

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open val allowTaskProcessPanel: Boolean
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open val descriptor: LiveData<PanelDescriptor>
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val frontendContext: FrontendContext
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val id: Long
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val isBeingDismissed: LiveData<Boolean>
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val mode: TaskPanel.Mode
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override val panelContext: LiveData<NavigablePanelContext?>
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val tag: String
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var transitionDestination: PanelTransitionDestination?
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var transitionSource: PanelTransitionSource?

Inherited functions

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fun createInitialFragment(): IviFragment<*, *>
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fun dismiss()
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operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun getLifecycle(): Lifecycle
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open override fun getPanelContext(iviFragmentId: IviFragmentId): NavigablePanelContext
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override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun isAttached(): Boolean
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open fun onAddedToFrontend()
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fun onAttached(panelAttachment: PanelAttachment<NavigablePanelContext>)
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open override fun onBackPressed(): Boolean
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fun onDetached(panelAttachment: PanelAttachment<NavigablePanelContext>)
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fun onDismissalCompleted()
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fun onDismissalStarted()
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open fun onRemovedFromFrontend()
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open override fun toString(): String