
@IviExperimental(reasons = [])
data class IviMediaItem : Parcelable

A basic data structure used to communicate information about an element in the media domain. This element can represent different types of items, from a song to an album to a dashboard representing the content of a media source.

Media items are created by their media source. The source determines which metadata is available.

Constructed using the IviMediaItemBuilder.

The isBrowsable and isPlayable state of a MediaItem determines its role. For example, in a media browsing UI, a browsable IviMediaItem can usually be clicked to see its contents; songs are just playable IviMediaItems, while albums and playlists are both playable and browsable. Normally, at least one of those two flags should be set.



The identification of this media item. This value is specific to the source providing the content. This should be a persistent key for the underlying content. If a source did not provide any identification, it contains an empty string.


Whether it's possible to browse the children of this media item.


Whether it's possible to play this media item.


Contains the metadata of this media item, like the artist or the media art URI. All values are optional.


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val album: String?

The media album. Is null if it has no set album.

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val artist: String?

The media artist, or media album artist. Is null if it has no set artist.

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val artUri: Uri?

The media item art Uri, prioritized for usage in larger spaces. Will fall back to icon sized artwork when no high resolution property is found.

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val browsableHint: ContentStyle?

The hint for the style of a browsable media item, if specified; null otherwise.

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val compilation: String?

The media compilation name. Is null if it has no set compilation.

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val composer: String?

The media's composer. Is null if it has no set composer.

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val description: String?

The description of a media item. Is null if it has no set description.

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val duration: Duration

The duration of a media item. When the media item has no duration or the duration is negative, duration will be zero.

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val genre: String?

The genre of a media item. Is null if it has no set genre.

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val groupTitleHint: String?

The hint for the group title of a media item. Is null if it has no set group title hint.

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val iconArtUri: Uri?

The media item art Uri, prioritized for usage as an icon. Will fall back to larger sized artwork when no low resolution property found.

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val id: String
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val isBrowsable: Boolean
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val isExplicit: Boolean?

Whether this media item is marked as containing explicit content.

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val isPlayable: Boolean
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val mediaUri: Uri?

The media item Uri string representation. Is null when Uri is not set or empty. This value is specific to the source providing the content.

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val playableHint: ContentStyle?

The hint for the style of a playable media item, if specified; null otherwise.

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val rating: IviMediaRating?

The rating assigned to this media item.

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val subtitle: String?

The subtitle of a media item. Is null if it has no set subtitle.

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val title: String?

The display title or title of a media item. Is null if it has no set title or display title.

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val writer: String?

The media item's writer. Is null if it has no set writer.


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fun containsKey(key: String): Boolean

Whether the key is present in the metadata.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Custom equals method to include comparing the contents of the metadata.

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fun getBoolean(key: String): Boolean?

Gets the key from the metadata as a boolean.

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fun getFloat(key: String): Float?

Gets the key from the metadata as a float.

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fun getInt(key: String): Int?

Gets the key from the metadata as an int.

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fun getLong(key: String): Long?

Gets the key from the metadata as a long.

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fun getString(key: String): String?

Gets the key from the metadata as a string.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Custom hashCode method to include hashing the contents of the metadata.

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open override fun toString(): String

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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