
abstract class BasePanelContainerControllerAdapter<V : ViewGroup, CD, VM : PanelSubContainerViewModel<SD>, SD> : PanelContainerControllerAdapter<V, CD, VM, SD>

Base class for PanelContainerControllerAdapters.



The panel container ViewGroup type that implements the PanelContainerView interface.


The type of the panel container data. The panel container data is the input data that is visualized by the panel container.


The panel sub-container view model type.


The type of the panel sub-container data. The data is derived from the panel container data of type CD.


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fun BasePanelContainerControllerAdapter()

Inherited functions

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abstract fun initialize(adapterContext: PanelContainerControllerAdapterContext<V>, restorePanelContainerViewModel: PanelContainerViewModel<CD, VM, SD>?)

Initializes the adapter. This must be called before update or onStop is called.

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abstract fun onStop(): PanelContainerViewModel<CD, VM, SD>

Called when the system UI is stopped.

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abstract fun update(panelContainerData: CD?)

Called whenever the panel container data for the PanelContainerView has been changed.