Package com.tomtom.ivi.platform.gradle.api.common.extensions

This package contains Gradle extensions to ease the project configuration.


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interface IviDefaultsExtension

Gradle extension to ease the configuration of IVI components of the default IVI application.

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interface IviDefaultsGroupConfigurator

Interface to configure the IVI application if the associated IviDefaultsGroupConfigs are used to configure the IVI application.

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interface IviExtension

Gradle extension to ease configuration of IVI components with Gradle.

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interface IviVariantExtension

Gradle extension to ease configuration of IVI components per build variant.


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fun Project.getLocalOrGradleProperty(propertyName: String): String?

Returns the value of a property with name propertyName. The property value can be defined in or as a Gradle property. If the property value is defined in the file, the value takes precedence over the Gradle property value (if any). Returns null if the property is not defined in the file and not as Gradle property.