
interface IviExtension

Gradle extension to ease configuration of IVI components with Gradle.


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abstract var configurationGenerator: IviConfigurationGeneratorConfig

Configuration for the configuration generator.

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abstract var dependencySource: IviDependencySource

The source of IVI dependencies.

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abstract var optInToExperimentalApis: Boolean

If true then the module is opted-in to use APIs annotated with the IviExperimental annotation.

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abstract var serviceApi: Boolean

If true then the module contains IVI service declarations. Once set to true it cannot be set back to false.

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abstract var settingsServiceApi: Boolean

If true then the module contains IVI settings service declarations. Once set to true it cannot be set back to false.


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abstract fun application(configure: Action<IviApplicationConfigurator>)

Configures the build time configuration of the IVI application through a lambda.

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abstract fun configurationGenerator(configure: Action<IviConfigurationGeneratorConfig>)

Configures the configuration generator through a lambda.