
  • Interface to the Traffic Data Provider.

    Navigation SDK components use the Traffic interface to access traffic information. For example, TomTomSDKRoutePlannerOffline.OfflineRoutePlanner uses it to calculate routes that avoid traffic.

    An instance of this interface is created with TomTomSDKTrafficEngine.TrafficFactory.

    Once a traffic data provider instance is created and connected to a source of traffic, it will start receiving traffic data as offered by the provider. For example, near the current location, along the route, or for the current country/area. If a route is registered via the Traffic.updateRoutesForTraffic function, the traffic data provider will start receiving traffic information for the given route. When new traffic events are received, the traffic data provider will notify the user via the TrafficUpdateObserver interface, provided that an observer is registered via the Traffic.addObserver function. Users can fetch traffic in an area via the Traffic.trafficEvents and Traffic.getTrafficEvents functions.


    This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.
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    public protocol Traffic : AnyObject
  • Defines the Traffic Service public interface


    This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.



    public typealias TrafficService = Traffic
  • Important

    This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.
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    public protocol TrafficUpdateObserver : AnyObject