
public protocol HorizonEngine

Defines the interface to the horizon engine. The horizon engine generates virtual horizon data based on the previously registered horizon options. These options define the length and the map data collected for the horizon paths. The client of the horizon engine can register multiple sets of horizon options. The client can also request the engine provide horizon data for all or some of the option sets. The client of the engine can also update theHorizonOptions by registering a new set of options or unregistering a previously registered set.


This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.
  • Registers a set of horizon options. These options define the extent of the paths on the horizon and the map attributes that are collected about these paths.



    func registerHorizonOptions(options: HorizonOptions) throws



    Set of horizon options.

  • Unregisters a previously registered set of horizon options. If the options set was not previously registered then the engine reports a warning and returns immediately.



    func unregisterHorizonOptions(options: HorizonOptions) throws



    Previously registered set of HorizonOptions.

  • Provides horizon data for the given location, based on a list of previously registered sets of horizon options.



    func generateHorizon(
        options: [HorizonOptions],
        navigationSnapshot: NavigationSnapshot
    ) throws -> [HorizonResult]



    List of previously registered sets of HorizonOptions.


    NavigationSnapshot of the current navigation session. The required location information is extracted from this navigation snapshot.

    Return Value

    Array of HorizonResult data consisting of one horizon snapshot and HorizonPosition and set of HorizonOptions. Provided that the registerHorizonOptions was previously called to register each set of horizon options. If a specific set of options was not previously registered, neither the horizon snapshot data nor the vehicle position is generated for that set. If none of the sets of options was previously registered, the function returns an empty array.