Package-level declarations

Includes the interface for the Autocomplete API, alongside associated options, response data classes, and the callback interface.


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Callback that reports when AutocompleteResponse or SearchFailure is received. Used with an asynchronous autocomplete search request.

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data class AutocompleteOptions(    val query: String,     val locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault(),     @IntRange(from = 1, to = 10) val limit: Int = DEFAULT_LIMIT,     val position: GeoPoint? = null,     val radius: Distance? = null,     val countries: Set<String> = emptySet(),     val resultTypes: Set<AutoCompleteResultType> = emptySet(),     val sessionId: UUID? = null)

Used for building an Autocomplete search request. Contains the parameters to use in an autocomplete search.

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data class AutocompleteResponse(val summary: AutocompleteSummary, val results: List<AutocompleteResult> = emptyList())

Response of the Autocomplete Search API. Delivered synchronously as a Result or asynchronously via AutocompleteCallback.