
Describes the details of a single result item returned by the Search API.


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constructor(type: SearchResultType, searchResultId: SearchResultId, place: Place, distance: Distance? = null, poi: Poi? = null, boundingBox: GeoBoundingBox? = null, detour: Detour? = null)

Constructs a SearchResult object with the given parameters.


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val poi: Poi?
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operator fun component2(): SearchResultId
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operator fun component3(): Place
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operator fun component4(): Distance?
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operator fun component5(): Poi?
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operator fun component6(): GeoBoundingBox?
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operator fun component7(): Detour?
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fun copy(type: SearchResultType = this.type, searchResultId: SearchResultId = this.searchResultId, place: Place =, distance: Distance? = this.distance, poi: Poi? = this.poi, boundingBox: GeoBoundingBox? = this.boundingBox, detour: Detour? = this.detour): SearchResult

Creates a copy of this SearchResult object with optional parameter overrides.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Checks if this SearchResult object is equal to another object.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Generates a hash code for this SearchResult object.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of this SearchResult object.