
class ItineraryPoint(val place: Place, val heading: Angle? = null)

Encapsulates Place with the additional information relevant for the route itinerary.



Angle at which this itinerary point should be approached or departed. Counted from north in clockwise direction and in range [0, 360).


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constructor(place: Place, heading: Angle? = null, pauseTime: Duration = Duration.ZERO)

Encapsulates Place with the additional information relevant for the route itinerary.

constructor(    place: Place,     heading: Angle? = null,     pauseTime: Duration = Duration.ZERO,     chargingStationId: ItineraryPointId? = null,     waypointType: WaypointType? = null)

Encapsulates Place with the additional information relevant for the route itinerary.

constructor(    id: ItineraryPointId,     place: Place,     heading: Angle? = null,     pauseTime: Duration = Duration.ZERO,     chargingStationId: ItineraryPointId? = null,     waypointType: WaypointType? = null)

Encapsulates Place with the additional information relevant for the route itinerary.

constructor(place: Place, heading: Angle? = null)


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ID of the charging station at this itinerary point. It is a unique ID of the charging station in the source data. If specified, it will be used to look up the corresponding charging station and plan charging at it. Note: This parameter is not supported on Orbis.

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val heading: Angle? = null
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A unique identifier of the itinerary point.

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Pause time at this itinerary point (including charging time).

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Type of the waypoint represented by this itinerary point. In case this itinerary point represents a waypoint, it returns the value indicating whether the waypoint is user-defined or auto-generated. Returns null if this itinerary point represents origin or destination.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String