fun copy(forkDirection: ForkDirection = this.forkDirection, routeOffset: Distance = this.routeOffset, maneuverPoint: GeoPoint = this.maneuverPoint, drivingSide: DrivingSide = this.drivingSide, combineWithNext: Boolean = this.combineWithNext, announcements: List<Announcement> = this.announcements, previousSignificantRoad: Road? = this.previousSignificantRoad, nextSignificantRoad: Road? = this.nextSignificantRoad, routePath: List<InstructionPoint> = this.routePath, intersectionName: TextWithPhonetics? = this.intersectionName, signpost: Signpost? = this.signpost, landmark: Landmark? = this.landmark, sideStreetOffset: Distance? = this.sideStreetOffset, trafficLightOffset: Distance? = this.trafficLightOffset, id: UniqueId = ForkInstruction
This will be removed from future releases after 2025-04-25.
Replace with
Use constructor to create the copy
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