Package-level declarations

The package contains all quantity classes.

The base quantitative interfaces are as follows:

  • Quantity is a base interface for quantities. Outlines the common operations to retrieve values and perform mathematical operations.

  • UnitBase is the contract interface for all Quantity unit types.

The package provides the following quantitative implementations:

  • Angle represents a measurement of an angle (for example, 90 degrees).

  • Distance denotes a measure of distance (for example, 10 kilometers).

  • ElectricCurrent signifies the measurement of an electric current (for example, 10 amperes).

  • Energy represents a measure of energy (for example, 10 kilowatt-hours).

  • EnergyDensity denotes an amount of energy density (for example, 4.5 megajoules per liter).

  • Force signifies a measurement of force (for example, 10 newtons).

  • FuelConsumption indicates a measure of fuel consumption, for example, 5 liters per 100 kilometers.

  • FuelPerTime represents a calculation of fuel consumption over a period of time, such as 0.5 liters per hour.

  • Memory signifies the size of memory, for example, 16 kilobytes.

  • Power indicates a measure of power, for example, 10 kilowatts.

  • Ratio represents a ratio or can also be applied to probabilities, such as 10%.

  • Speed denotes a measurement of speed, for instance, 10 kilometers per hour.

  • Temperature represents a measurement of temperature, for example, 25 degrees Celsius.

  • Voltage details a measure of electrical potential difference, like 10 volts.

  • Volume signifies a measure of space occupied, for example, 10 liters.

  • Weight describes the measure of weight, such as 10 kilograms.


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A quantity describing an angle. (For example, 90 degrees.)

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A quantity describing a distance. (For example, 10 kilometers.)

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A type alias for Force quantity used for describing EV cars.

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A quantity describing an electric current. (For example, 10 amperes.)

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A quantity describing energy. (For example, 10 kilowatt-hours.)

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A quantity describing energy density. (For example, 4.5 megajoules per liter.)

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A quantity describing force. (For example, 10 newtons.)

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A quantity describing fuel consumption. (For example, 5 liters per 100 kilometers.)

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A quantity describing fuel consumption over time. (For example, 0.5 liters per hour.)

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A quantity describing memory size. (for example, 16 kilobytes.)

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A quantity describing power. (For example, 10 kilowatts.)

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typealias Probability = Ratio

A type alias for Ratio quantity used for describing probabilities.

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A base interface for quantities. Outlines the common operations to retrieve values and perform mathematical operations.

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A quantity describing a ratio, also commonly used for probabilities. (For example, 10%.)

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A quantity describing speed. (For example, 10 kilometers per hour.)

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A quantity describing temperature. (For example, 25 degrees Celsius.)

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interface UnitBase

The contract interface for all Quantity unit types.

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A quantity describing voltage. (For example, 10 volts.)

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A quantity describing Volume. (For example, 10 liters.)

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A quantity describing weight. (For example, 10 kilograms.)