Specifies the current navigation state of the TomTomNavigation object.
The current state changes under the following circumstances:
When navigation is started by calling TomTomNavigation.start, without NavigationOptions, the navigation state changes to NavigationState.FreeDriving.
When navigation is started by calling TomTomNavigation.start with NavigationOptions, the navigation state changes to NavigationState.ActiveGuidance.
When navigation is updated by calling TomTomNavigation.setActiveRoutePlan, being in the NavigationState.FreeDriving state, the navigation state changes to NavigationState.ActiveGuidance.
When navigation is resumed by calling TomTomNavigation.resume, the navigation state changes to NavigationState.ActiveGuidance.
When navigation is stopped by calling TomTomNavigation.stop, the navigation state changes to NavigationState.Idle.