
data class RoundaboutGuidanceInstruction(val turnAngle: Angle, val exitNumber: Int?, val roundaboutDirection: RoundaboutDirection, val quantizedTurnAngle: QuantizedTurnAngle?, val id: UniqueId, val routeOffset: Distance, val maneuverPoint: GeoPoint, val drivingSide: DrivingSide, val combineWithNext: Boolean, val previousSignificantRoad: Road? = null, val nextSignificantRoad: Road? = null, val routePath: List<InstructionPoint> = emptyList(), val intersectionName: String = "", val signpost: Signpost? = null) : GuidanceInstruction

Guidance Instruction indicating an upcoming roundabout.


if turnAngle is not within the range of -180, 180.


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constructor(turnAngle: Angle, exitNumber: Int?, roundaboutDirection: RoundaboutDirection, quantizedTurnAngle: QuantizedTurnAngle?, id: UniqueId, routeOffset: Distance, maneuverPoint: GeoPoint, drivingSide: DrivingSide, combineWithNext: Boolean, previousSignificantRoad: Road? = null, nextSignificantRoad: Road? = null, routePath: List<InstructionPoint> = emptyList(), intersectionName: String = "", signpost: Signpost? = null)


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open override val combineWithNext: Boolean

Indicates if the instruction should be combined with the next one.

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open override val drivingSide: DrivingSide

Indicates left-hand vs. right-hand side driving at the point of the maneuver.

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Exit number where the driver should leave the roundabout, counted from the entry point to the roundabout. If the route starts on the roundabout, counting starts from the departure point.

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open override val id: UniqueId

The ID of the instruction.

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open override val intersectionName: String

Name of the intersection at the maneuver point, if present for this instruction.

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open override val maneuverPoint: GeoPoint

Location of the maneuver expressed as a GeoPoint.

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open override val nextSignificantRoad: Road? = null

Information about the road the driver will be on immediately after completing the maneuver, if available for this instruction.

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open override val previousSignificantRoad: Road? = null

Information about the road the driver will be on immediately before starting the maneuver, if available for this instruction.

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Classification of the turn angle relative to the driving direction on the entry road to the roundabout, if available.

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Classification of the main direction to take at the roundabout.

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open override val routeOffset: Distance

Distance from the start of the route to the instruction point.

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open override val routePath: List<InstructionPoint>

A List of RoutePoints that represents a route path.

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open override val signpost: Signpost? = null

Signpost information, if present for this instruction.

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Turn angle relative to the driving direction on the entry road to the roundabout, in the range -180...180 degrees.