Package-level declarations
Includes the TrafficEvent model.
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data class Cause(var mainCause: CauseCode, var warningLevel: WarningLevel, var subCause: Int? = null)
Indicates the cause of a traffic event.
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Indicates the effect the traffic event has on the traffic flow. Codes are chosen according to the TPEG-TEC standard.
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Indicates the subclass of a road.
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data class TrafficEvent( var id: String, var category: Category? = null, var delay: Duration? = null, var length: Distance? = null, var path: List<GeoPoint> = emptyList(), var effectCode: EffectCode? = null, var isOneWay: Boolean, var drivingSide: DrivingSide, var causes: List<Cause> = emptyList(), var roadType: RoadType, var roadClass: RoadClass? = null, var roadSubclass: RoadSubClass? = null)
Representation of a traffic event. Traffic events represent unusual situations on the road, like traffic congestion, accidents or road works.
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Indicates the severity of the traffic event. Values are chosen according to the TPEG-TEC standard.