
class RouteLegOptions(val supportingPoints: List<GeoPoint>, val chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null)

Options for a specific leg.



A list of base route points to be used for route reconstruction.


Specifies how much to charge at a charging station.


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constructor(supportingPoints: List<GeoPoint> = emptyList(), chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null, routeType: RouteType? = null)

Constructs per-leg route planning options.

constructor(supportingPoints: List<GeoPoint>, chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null)


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Strategy for selecting roads during route calculation.

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operator fun component1(): List<GeoPoint>
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fun copy(supportingPoints: List<GeoPoint> = this.supportingPoints, chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = this.chargingInformation): RouteLegOptions
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String

This implementation of the toString method removes the excessive supporting points, except for the first/last NUMBER_OF_SUPPORTING_POINTS_IN_LOG/2, since it clogs the logs.