
abstract class Vehicle

Specifies the vehicle (or lack of one).



The type of the vehicle.



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data class Bicycle(val maxSpeed: Speed = Speed.kilometersPerHour(BICYCLE_SPEED_KMH)) : Vehicle

A vehicle of type bicycle.

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class Bus(val maxSpeed: Speed? = null, val isCommercial: Boolean = true, val electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null, val combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null, val dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null, val modelId: String? = null) : Vehicle, Motorized

A vehicle of type bus.

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class Car(val maxSpeed: Speed? = null, val isCommercial: Boolean = false, val electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null, val combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null, val dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null, val modelId: String? = null) : Vehicle, Motorized

A vehicle of type car.

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class Motorcycle(val maxSpeed: Speed? = null, val isCommercial: Boolean = false, val electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null, val combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null, val dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null, val modelId: String? = null) : Vehicle, Motorized

A vehicle of type motorcycle.

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data class Pedestrian(val maxSpeed: Speed = Speed.kilometersPerHour(PEDESTRIAN_SPEED_KMH)) : Vehicle

A pedestrian.

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class Taxi(val maxSpeed: Speed? = null, val isCommercial: Boolean = true, val electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null, val combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null, val dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null, val modelId: String? = null) : Vehicle, Motorized

A vehicle of type taxi.

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class Truck(val maxSpeed: Speed? = null, val isCommercial: Boolean = true, val electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null, val combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null, val dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null, val hazmatClasses: Set<HazmatClass> = emptySet(), val adrTunnelRestrictionCode: AdrTunnelRestrictionCode? = null, val modelId: String? = null) : Vehicle, Motorized, CargoCapable

A vehicle of type truck.

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class Van(val maxSpeed: Speed? = null, val isCommercial: Boolean = false, val electricEngine: ElectricEngine? = null, val combustionEngine: CombustionEngine? = null, val dimensions: VehicleDimensions? = null, val modelId: String? = null, val hazmatClasses: Set<HazmatClass> = emptySet(), val adrTunnelRestrictionCode: AdrTunnelRestrictionCode? = null) : Vehicle, Motorized, CargoCapable

A vehicle of type van.


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abstract val maxSpeed: Speed?

The maximum speed of the vehicle.

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