
Synchronously provides a full list of POI categories and subcategories together with their translations and synonyms.


The Result containing a PoiCategoryResponse if the call succeeds, or a SearchFailure if it fails.

Example of a POI category request:

val poiCategoryOptions = PoiCategoryOptions(
categories = setOf(CategoryId(standard = StandardCategoryId.Restaurant)),
locale = Locale.US
val response = search.requestPoiCategories(poiCategoryOptions)
if (response.isSuccess()) {
val result: PoiCategoryResponse = response.value()
Log.d("tag", "POI categories: ${result.poiCategories}")
} else {
val failure: SearchFailure = response.failure()
Log.e("tag", failure.message)



The object containing the properties to fetch POI category details.

Asynchronously provides a complete list of POI categories and subcategories with their translations and synonyms.


A cancellable operation.

Example of a POI category request:

val poiCategoryOptions = PoiCategoryOptions(
categories = setOf(CategoryId(standard = StandardCategoryId.Restaurant)),
locale = Locale.US
val response = search.requestPoiCategories(poiCategoryOptions, object : PoiCategoryCallback {
override fun onSuccess(result: PoiCategoryResponse) {
Log.d("tag", "POI categories: ${result.poiCategories}")
override fun onFailure(failure: SearchFailure) {
Log.e("tag", failure.message)



The object containing the properties to fetch POI category details.


The PoiCategoryCallback invoked when the fetch operation has finished, either successfully or with an error. The callback is executed on the main thread.