
class Signpost(val exitNumber: TextWithPhonetics? = null, val exitName: TextWithPhonetics? = null, val towardName: TextWithPhonetics? = null)

The Signpost class contains information about the signpost for the Instruction.


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constructor(exitNumber: TextWithPhonetics? = null, exitName: TextWithPhonetics? = null, towardName: TextWithPhonetics? = null)


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Signpost exit name.

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Signpost exit number.

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Signpost toward name.


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operator fun component1(): TextWithPhonetics?
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operator fun component2(): TextWithPhonetics?
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operator fun component3(): TextWithPhonetics?
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fun copy(exitNumber: TextWithPhonetics? = this.exitNumber, exitName: TextWithPhonetics? = this.exitName, towardName: TextWithPhonetics? = this.towardName): Signpost

Creates a copy of this Signpost object.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String