
Entry point to perform a range calculation, that is, determining the boundary of the area reachable from an initial vehicle position given some budget such as limited energy.

Can be instantiated with OnlineRangeCalculatorFactory or OfflineRangeCalculatorFactory.


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abstract fun calculateRange(rangeCalculationOptions: RangeCalculationOptions): Result<Range, RoutingFailure>

Synchronously calculates a range using the provided RangeCalculationOptions.

abstract fun calculateRange(rangeCalculationOptions: RangeCalculationOptions, callback: Callback<Range, RoutingFailure>): Cancellable

Asynchronously calculates a range using the provided RangeCalculationOptions object. If the operation succeeds, Callback.onSuccess is called for the callback with a Range. Otherwise, Callback.onFailure is called with a RoutingFailure.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun close()