A GeoPoint on the route together with its distance offset along the route, estimated travel time, and remaining fuel or energy.
Distance offset along the route.
Travel time (including traffic delay) from the start of the route.
Remaining fuel or battery charge when reaching this point of the route, as a Consumption.Fuel or Consumption.Energy instance. Charging stops are considered in this calculation. Thus, to determine the energy used between two offsets, use the difference in the remaining budget at these points, adding any energy charged at stops in between.
The remaining budget is negative if the point is not reachable.
It is null if consumption parameters have not been set up, that is, the Vehicle does not have either a CombustionEngine or an ElectricEngine.
To get the remaining budget at any arbitrary route offset, the method Route.remainingBudgetAt can be used.
Checks if this route point is equal to another object.
Generates a hash code for this route point.
Returns a string representation of the route point.
Inherited functions
Calculates the angle (bearing) between this RoutePoint and the GeoPoint given as an argument.
Calculates the geographical distance from this RoutePoint.coordinate to the GeoPoint given as an argument.