
class Poi

Class representing a Point Of Interest.


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constructor(names: Set<String>, phones: Set<String> = emptySet(), emails: Set<String> = emptySet(), brands: Set<Brand> = emptySet(), urls: Set<String> = emptySet(), categoryIds: Set<CategoryId> = emptySet(), openingHours: OpeningHours? = null, timeZone: TimeZone? = null, chargingPark: ChargingPark? = null)

Constructor to create a new Poi object.

constructor(names: Set<String>, phones: Set<String> = emptySet(), emails: Set<String> = emptySet(), brands: Set<Brand> = emptySet(), urls: Set<String> = emptySet(), categoryIds: Set<CategoryId> = emptySet(), openingHours: OpeningHours? = null, timeZone: TimeZone? = null, chargingPark: ChargingPark? = null, accessibleVehicleTypes: Set<VehicleType> = emptySet(), fuelTypes: Set<FuelType> = emptySet())

Constructor to create a new Poi object.


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The types of vehicles that can access this Point Of Interest.

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The brands this Point Of Interest belongs to.

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The categories (identifiers) this Point Of Interest belongs to.

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Present only when the Points of Interest are of the Electric Vehicle Station category type.

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The email addresses of the Point Of Interest.

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The types of fuel available at this Point Of Interest.

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The names of the Point Of Interest.

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The Point Of Interest's opening hours in its local time zone.

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The phone numbers of the Point Of Interest.

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val poiId: PoiId?
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The time zone of the Point Of Interest.

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The URL addresses of the Point Of Interest website(s).


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operator fun component1(): Set<String>

Returns the names of the Point Of Interest.

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operator fun component10(): Set<VehicleType>

Returns the Point of Interest's vehicle types.

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operator fun component11(): Set<FuelType>

Returns the Point of Interest's fuel types.

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operator fun component2(): Set<String>

Returns the phone numbers of the Point Of Interest.

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operator fun component3(): Set<String>

Returns the email addresses of the Point Of Interest.

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operator fun component4(): Set<Brand>

Returns the brands this Point Of Interest belongs to.

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operator fun component5(): Set<String>

Returns the URL addresses of the Point Of Interest website(s).

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operator fun component6(): Set<CategoryId>

Returns the categories (identifiers) this Point Of Interest belongs to.

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operator fun component7(): OpeningHours?

Returns the Point Of Interest's opening hours.

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operator fun component8(): TimeZone?

Returns the Point Of Interest's timezone.

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operator fun component9(): ChargingPark?

Returns the charging park information if the Point Of Interest is an Electric Vehicle Station.

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fun copy(names: Set<String> = this.names, phones: Set<String> = this.phones, emails: Set<String> = this.emails, brands: Set<Brand> = this.brands, urls: Set<String> = this.urls, categoryIds: Set<CategoryId> = this.categoryIds, openingHours: OpeningHours? = this.openingHours, timeZone: TimeZone? = this.timeZone, chargingPark: ChargingPark? = this.chargingPark, accessibleVehicleTypes: Set<VehicleType> = this.accessibleVehicleTypes, fuelTypes: Set<FuelType> = this.fuelTypes): Poi

Creates a copy of this Poi object.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Checks if this Poi object is equal to another object.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Generates a hash code for this Poi object.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of this Poi object.