
class TollRoadSection(val sectionLocation: SectionLocation, val routeOffset: Distance, val length: Distance) : Section


This API is deprecated and will be removed with the next major release.

Replace with

TollSection and TollVignetteSection

Represents a route section that requires a toll to be payed.

See also


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constructor(geometry: List<GeoPoint>, routeOffset: Distance, length: Distance)

Constructs a TollRoadSection object with the given parameters.

constructor(sectionLocation: SectionLocation, routeOffset: Distance, length: Distance)


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open override val geometry: List<GeoPoint>

List of GeoPoints representing the section.

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open override val length: Distance

Distance from the the start point to the end point of the sectionLocation.

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open override val routeOffset: Distance

Distance from the start of the route to the start point of the sectionLocation.

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open override val sectionLocation: SectionLocation

Information about the location of a section on a route's geometry.


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operator fun component1(): List<GeoPoint>

Returns geometry property of the class.

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operator fun component2(): Distance

Returns routeOffset property of the class.

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operator fun component3(): Distance

Returns length property of the class.

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fun copy(geometry: List<GeoPoint> = this.geometry, routeOffset: Distance = this.routeOffset, length: Distance = this.length): TollRoadSection

Creates a copy of the object, with the option to modify some of its properties.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code value for the object.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of the object.