Reverse Geocoding request options.
Reverse geocoding options are used to specify the parameters of a reverse geocoding request. They consist of a position and optional parameters such as heading, radius, roadUses, areaTypes, locale, preferClosestAccurateAddress, and fetchGeometry.
To specify reverse geocoding options, create an instance of ReverseGeocoderOptions class:
val reverseGeocoderOptions = ReverseGeocoderOptions(
position = GeoPoint(52.377271, 4.909466),
heading = Angle.Companion.degrees(90.0),
radius = Distance.Companion.meters(1000.0),
areaTypes = setOf(AreaType.Municipality),
locale = Locale.ENGLISH,
preferClosestAccurateAddress = false,
fetchGeometry = false
Constructs a ReverseGeocoderOptions object with the given parameters.
Constructs a ReverseGeocoderOptions object with the given parameters.
Specifies if geometry shapes should be fetched for reverse geocoding results, where available.
Determines whether the closest accurate address is preferred over the address with the closest navigable coordinates.
The maximum distance from the specified position that the reverse geocoder will search within. Defaults to DEFAULT_RADIUS.
Returns the first component of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object, which is the geographical coordinates.
Returns the second component of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object, which is the directional heading of the vehicle in degrees while traveling on a road segment.
Returns the third component of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object, which is the maximum distance from the specified position that the reverse geocoder will search within. Defaults to DEFAULT_RADIUS.
Returns the fourth component of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object, which is a component that filters results to roads with specific intended usages.
Returns the fifth component of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object, which is a component that filters results to specific geographical area types. When areaTypes is set, the parameters heading and roadUses are ignored.
Returns the sixth component of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object, which is the language used for displaying results. If not provided, the system default language is used.
Returns the seventh component of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object, which determines whether the closest accurate address is preferred over the address with the closest navigable coordinates.
Returns the eighth component of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object, which specifies if geometry shapes should be fetched for reverse geocoding results, where available.
Creates a copy of this ReverseGeocoderOptions object with optional parameter overrides.