
data class SearchApiParameters(val limit: Int = 10, val typeAhead: Boolean = true, val position: GeoPoint? = null, val radius: Float? = null, val language: Locale? = null) : Parcelable

Parameters used to configure the Search API query.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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constructor(limit: Int = 10, typeAhead: Boolean = true, position: GeoPoint? = null, radius: Float? = null, language: Locale? = null)


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val language: Locale? = null

Specifies the language of the search results. The list of supported languages can be found at: Supported Languages.

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val limit: Int = 10

Specifies the maximum number of search results.

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val position: GeoPoint? = null

Specifies the position toward which results should be biased.

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val radius: Float? = null

Specifies the search radius relative to position. This parameter is only used if position is provided.

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val typeAhead: Boolean = true

If the typeAhead flag is set, the query is interpreted as a partial input and the search will enter predictive mode.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)