
data class SearchResult(val type: SearchResultType, val searchResultId: SearchResultId, val place: Place, val distance: Distance? = null, val poi: Poi? = null, val boundingBox: GeoBoundingBox? = null, val detour: Detour? = null)

Describes the details of a single result item returned by the Search API.


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constructor(type: SearchResultType, searchResultId: SearchResultId, place: Place, distance: Distance? = null, poi: Poi? = null, boundingBox: GeoBoundingBox? = null, detour: Detour? = null)


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A rectangle into which the shape of an administrative area is inscribed. Provided only if type is set to SearchResultType.Area.

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val detour: Detour? = null

The detailed information about detour which should be taken to reach the search result position.

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val distance: Distance? = null

Distance from the provided route.

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The place information of the search result.

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val poi: Poi? = null

Information about the Point Of Interest.

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The ID of the result.

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The type of result.