
class NavigationUiOptions(val unitSystemType: UnitSystemType = UnitSystemType.default, val isSoundEnabled: Boolean = true, val keepInBackground: Boolean = false, val voiceLanguage: Locale = Locale.US, val adaptVoiceLanguage: Boolean = false, showWaypointArrivalPanel: Boolean = false) : Parcelable

Represents navigation options that are configurable.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.


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constructor(unitSystemType: UnitSystemType = UnitSystemType.default, isSoundEnabled: Boolean = true, keepInBackground: Boolean = false, voiceLanguage: Locale = Locale.US, adaptVoiceLanguage: Boolean = false, showWaypointArrivalPanel: Boolean = false)


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Whether the language of the message should be used for the voice guidance over voiceLanguage, when the language of a message is different from the voiceLanguage.

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Returns whether voice guidance is turned on.

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Whether or not the navigation should be kept in background within Android Service.

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Returns preferred UnitSystemType. If provided value is UnitSystemType.Dynamic then the UnitSystem will be resolved dynamically based on current location country by the SDK. Once set, unitSystemType will be propagated to TomTomNavigation.unitSystem and other parts of the SDK.

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Preferred language of the voice guidance.

Inherited functions

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)