
An Android fragment wrapping TomTomNavigation. It provides the UI that shows information about the oncoming manoeuvres, route parameters (like ETA and remaining distance), current speed and the speed limit.

It can be instantiated either programmatically via NavigationFragment.newInstance(navigationUiOptions: NavigationUiOptions) or via the XML view inflation.

Important: This is a Public Preview API. It may be changed or removed at any time.

See also



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object Companion
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Listens for navigation events.


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open override val navigationView: NavigationView

Returns the configurable navigation view.

Inherited properties

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open override val lifecycle: Lifecycle
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open override val viewModelStore: ViewModelStore


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Changes the language which will be used to synthesize audio messages.

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Changes which TextToSpeechEngine will be used to synthesize audio instructions. TextToSpeechEngine.close is called on TextToSpeechEngine which is being replaced.

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open override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)
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open override fun onCreateView(inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?, state: Bundle?): View
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open override fun onDestroy()
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open override fun onDestroyView()
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open override fun onInflate(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet, savedInstanceState: Bundle?)
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open override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?)
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Sets a provided routePlan as active. This method wraps the call to TomTomNavigation.setActiveRoutePlan.

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fun setTomTomNavigation(tomTomNavigation: TomTomNavigation)

Sets an instance of TomTomNavigation. It has to be called before calling any other navigation method, such as: startNavigation(routes: List), setActiveRoutePlan or stopNavigation().

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Sets the units for distance and speed.

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Starts navigation without a Route. This method wraps the call to TomTomNavigation.start. Navigation will proceed with following steps:

fun startNavigation(routePlan: RoutePlan)

Starts navigation with provided RoutePlan. This method wraps the call to TomTomNavigation.start. When called, the UI starts showing Route's guidance, current speed and speed limit. NavigationListener.onStarted is called when navigation has been started.

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Stops the navigation. This method wraps the call to TomTomNavigation.stop. When called, the UI stops showing Route's guidance, current speed and speed limit.

Inherited functions

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operator override fun equals(@Nullable other: Any?): Boolean
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fun getId(): Int
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open fun getView(): View?
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override fun hashCode(): Int
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open fun onActivityResult(p0: Int, p1: Int, @Nullable p2: Intent?)
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open override fun onLowMemory()
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open fun setArguments(@Nullable p0: Bundle?)
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open fun setExitTransition(@Nullable p0: Any?)
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open fun setTargetFragment(@Nullable p0: Fragment?, p1: Int)
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open fun startActivity(@NonNull p0: Intent)
open fun startActivity(@NonNull p0: Intent, @Nullable p1: Bundle?)
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open fun startIntentSenderForResult(@NonNull p0: IntentSender, p1: Int, @Nullable p2: Intent?, p3: Int, p4: Int, p5: Int, @Nullable p6: Bundle?)
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open override fun toString(): String
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