data class CircleOptions(val coordinate: GeoPoint, val radius: Radius, @ColorInt val fillColor: Int = DEFAULT_FILL_COLOR, @ColorInt val outlineColor: Int = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_COLOR, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) val outlineRadius: Double = DEFAULT_OUTLINE_RADIUS, val isClickable: Boolean = true, val tag: String? = null)
Configures options for a Circle overlay which can be added and displayed on the map. See TomTomMap.addCircle(options CircleOptions).
See also
, which describes its properties in a more detailed way.
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Center of the circle overlay.
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Sets if the circle is clickable, if this parameter is false then clicks will be propagated to objects that are below circle.
Link copied to clipboard
for the circle outline overlay.
Link copied to clipboard
Radius of the circle outline overlay, use the same units as specified in radius.