Unique identifier of CargoCapable.adrTunnelRestrictionCode property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of AltitudeChangeEfficiency property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of ElectricVehicleEfficiency.altitudeChangeEnergy property of the ElectricEngine model.
Unique identifier of VehicleDimensions.axleWeight property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of ChargingParameters.batteryCurve property of the ElectricEngine model.
Unique identifier of ChargingParameters.chargingConnectors property of the ElectricEngine model.
Unique identifier of ChargingParameters.chargingTimeOffset property of the ElectricEngine model.
Unique identifier of CombustionVehicleConsumption.auxiliaryPower property of the CombustionEngine model.
Unique identifier of CombustionEngine property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of CombustionVehicleConsumption.speedConsumption property of the CombustionEngine model.
Unique identifier of ChargeLevel.currentCharge property of the ElectricEngine model.
Unique identifier of currentFuel property of the CombustionEngine model.
Unique identifier of ElectricVehicleConsumption.auxiliaryPower property of the ElectricEngine model.
Unique identifier of ElectricEngine property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of ElectricVehicleConsumption.speedConsumption property of the ElectricEngine model.
Unique identifier of CombustionVehicleEfficiency.fuelEnergyDensity property of the CombustionEngine model.
Unique identifier of VehicleDimensions.height property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of Motorized.isCommercial property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of VehicleDimensions.length property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of CargoCapable.loadType property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of ChargeLevel.maxCharge property of the ElectricEngine model.
Unique identifier of VehicleType property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of VelocityChangeEfficiency property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of VehicleDimensions.weight property of the Vehicle model.
Unique identifier of VehicleDimensions.width property of the Vehicle model.