
Determines the maximum amount that the zoom can change per meter. This is needed because at each geometry point, the algorithm checks whether the combined instruction arrow fits within the safe area. If not, the zoom is increased. Changing the zoom too quickly is distracting. So zoom adjustments are smoothed: the zoom is gradually changed before the increased level is actually needed, then gradually changed back afterwards. Scale smoothing means that there are points when the view is more zoomed out than the combined instruction arrow needs. If too much smoothing is used, the zoom may not have time to return to its optimal level between adjustments.

The value must be a floating-point value greater than or equal to 1.0.

Choosing a good value for this parameter usually requires some experimenting. It depends on the other camera operator parameters. For example, a good starting point for an experiment using a typical follow route camera operator in 3D mode would be a value of 5.

Optional. If omitted, the smoothing of the scale changes will be turned off.