
class RouteStop(val id: RouteStopId, val place: Place, val navigableCoordinates: List<GeoPoint>, val routeOffset: Distance, val roadSide: RoadSide? = null, val arrivalEnergy: Energy? = null, val chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null, val sourceType: RouteStop.SourceType = SourceType.UserDefined)

Represents a predetermined point on a route that is used as a reference point for navigation - Origin, Destination, Waypoint.

RouteStop objects are received as part of the route response from route planning API. RouteStop is added to the route response either because the location was requested by the user or because it was automatically generated by the system (see SourceType).


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constructor(id: RouteStopId, place: Place, navigableCoordinates: List<GeoPoint>, routeOffset: Distance, roadSide: RoadSide? = null, arrivalEnergy: Energy? = null, chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = null, sourceType: RouteStop.SourceType = SourceType.UserDefined)


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value class SourceType

Specifies why a RouteStop was added to the route.


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val arrivalEnergy: Energy? = null

The level of energy expected at arrival. Optional, present only for electric vehicles if electric consumption is specified in the routing request.

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Information on how much to charge at a charging station. Optional, will only be present if this route point is a charging stop in an EV route.

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The id that matches a corresponding ItineraryPointId in the routing request if this route stop was requested by the user.

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Coordinates which represent the navigable points of this route stop.

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Place associated with this route stop.

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val roadSide: RoadSide? = null

The side of the road at which the route point is located.

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The driving distance from the start of the route to this route stop.

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Specifies the reason why the route point was added to the route.


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fun copy(id: RouteStopId =, place: Place =, navigableCoordinates: List<GeoPoint> = this.navigableCoordinates, routeOffset: Distance = this.routeOffset, roadSide: RoadSide? = this.roadSide, arrivalEnergy: Energy? = this.arrivalEnergy, chargingInformation: ChargingInformation? = this.chargingInformation, sourceType: RouteStop.SourceType = this.sourceType): RouteStop

Creates a copy of this RouteStop object, with the option to modify some of its properties.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Checks if this RouteStop object is structurally equal to another object.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Returns a hash code value for the object, which allows it to be used in hash-based collections.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of this RouteStop object.